Get clear with this Hermit as your guide

There's no reason to go it alone.

If you find yourself in the wilderness looking for a different way of learning tarot and other forms divination, why not consider this? You need to learn fundamental strategies that will let you prioritize your unique strengths. In this course, I offer time-tested techniques and opportunities for practice, as well as deep personal reflection, that empowers you with a solid foundation in a fun way. This Taurus—Virgo—Leo wouldn't have it any other way.

I’m a nerd for tarot. I love it. And I find such a thrill in seeing all that it can show and help us do. Let me teach you to read tarot like a nerd, someone who loves learning about and practicing tarot as their craft.

In this course, I provide you with a structure to read tarot, ways to connect to the cards in your preferred deck(s) through your intuition, and journal-based homework exercises to find your unique expression of inner wisdom. Whether you’re more of a Hierophant, a High Priestess, or a Hermit, you’ll find a reading method that works for you.

Read Tarot like a Nerd is appropriate for serious beginners and veteran readers looking to stabilize their foundation. This course covers the fundamentals of reading tarot in a structured and thorough manner: the archetypes of the major arcana, the four suits of the minor arcana, using elements & numerology, image analysis & scrying, and setting the right intentions. A lot of your learning will happen between classes, so plan for homework.

The course includes five modules delivered as a self-paced online course. There is also a workbook for homework between sessions to help you get the most out of your experience, along with several reference handouts.

The focus of this course will be on reading for yourself without regard to spirituality or magic. But if you're interested in those areas, see my suite of live courses and recorded seminars over at Hermit's Mirror.